Monday, March 31, 2008

I Will Rather Be Eating Jollof Rice Right Now

Im in the library at college doing coursework. Well now im blogging but you know what I mean. This coursework started in july and its the end of march and im still not finished but I'm determined because frankly I need it to pass my A2 Biology and Miss bloody Kelly (God bless that woman) is presurising me. I will get through it once im finished here.

Im gonna have to leave school earlier than I should because i've got womens problems.... thats too much information but I will write anything right now to keep me from doing my work. Hmmmm I know I can't keep running away from my problems i.e coursework and some bitches, but sometimes you have to run as far as your energy can take you. This is bad advice but im not asking anyone to take it.

My friend is sitting across the room searching beyonce's new song. Let me tell you now the boy is obsessed. But I dont blame him we all get obsessed with somthing or someone sometime. Right? Well mine is Lamman Rucker (pictured). Oooooooo HOT! HOT! HOTTIE!!! Can someone please say "We don't need no water let the mother burn". He isnt really an obsession but he is who I am into right now. Its lunch time now so im gonna leave and go home. Yay! First I need to conclude my day with a Triangle Talk I'll let you know what that means later. Ciao!

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